2019 FightMND Research Grants

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Dear MND/ALS Researchers,
Researchers working in areas relevant to improving the translation of, or progressing the development of potential therapies for Motor Neurone Disease (MND) are invited to apply for funding to support research projects commencing in 2019.
We are pleased to announce a call for applications for the following 2019 FightMND Research Grants and Awards:
1. Clinical Trial Grants to support Phase II/III clinical trials of novel, high-potential treatments for MND/ALS within the Australian Clinical Trials Consortium.
2. Drug Development Grants to support preclinical research, development and assessment of therapeutics for MND/ALS through to (and including) completion of Phase I clinical trials.
3. IMPACT GrantsIMPACT (IMProving and ACcelerating Translation) Grants support projects focused on one or more of the following key issues contributing to the lack of translation of effective treatments through to clinical trial for MND/ALS.
i. Disease heterogeneity
ii. Lack of relevant preclinical models
iii. A lack of reliable disease biomarkers
iv. The challenge of drug delivery into the brain
v. A lack of effective targeted gene therapies
vi. The untapped potential of stem cell therapy
4. Mid-Career Fellowshipto support outstanding mid-career researchers (5 – 12 years following award of their PhD) to lead a research project aimed at understanding the causes of MND/ALS, elucidating disease mechanisms and facilitating the translation of therapeutic strategies from the laboratory to the clinic.
5. Early-Career Fellowship to support outstanding early-career researchers (within 5 years following award of their PhD) to lead a research project aimed at understanding the causes of MND, elucidating disease mechanisms and facilitating the translation of therapeutic strategies from the laboratory to the clinic.
Information specific to each grant scheme including key dates is available on the FightMND website, or click on the grant schemes above for full application criteria.
Applications Open – 1st November 2018
Applications Close – 5.30pm 1st April 2019
Grants Awarded – Late June 2019
Please see individual grant application guidelines for further information or for further enquiries please contact Dr Bec Sheean, FightMND Research Manager at research@fightmnd.org.au
The International Alliance of ALS/MND Associations

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